Monday, April 16, 2007


Solution of Transfixz

Patience (Nice + Tape) -> Induced (Nice + Dud) -> Contrite (Nice + Trot) -> Traitors (Trot + Airs)

The first 3 solutions came from

Vikalp Agarwal

Rahul Singh

Radha Ganesan

Good job! Hope I make life a little tougher for you next time around!


This an old game, you can scroll to the bottom of the page to see an example, but here’s one anyway. Observe the example carefully, and read the explanation. Mail your solutions to


A dot is name best finger.

Replace with S

Replace with G

Replace with D


Dot -> G -> Dog

Name -> S -> Man’s

Finger -> D -> Friend

Final Sentence- A dog is man’s best friend.

Explanation of the example

In the sentence given, pick some words and apply the transformations given. E.g. in ‘finger’, replace G with D and jumble it up to give ‘friend’. It is not necessary for all words in the sentence to be transformed. It’s up to you to guess which words need to be modified.

Note: The transformations need not be in the order in which they are applied in the sentence.

Hope the rules are clear. You can see the example at the bottom of the page for more clarity. However, unlike the example at the bottom, there is no funda of a dummy transformation, i.e. all transformations given must be applied.


A lasso special should one be sent with naked bees.

Replace With T

Replace With E

Replace With Y

Replace With R

Replace With E

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